4 thoughts on “Nudge man–Cass Sunstein”

  1. ” “In fact, Sunstein often seems to go out of his way to avoid controversy. He is careful, deliberative, and painstaking. He favors “minimalism,” by which he means taking small steps and resolving disputes narrowly. He distrusts bold measures and central planning because he worries about unintended consequences. And he is virtually always ready to identify counterarguments, not simply to knock them down but to credit them for raising important caveats and concerns. These are all good qualities in a lawyer and a law professor, to be sure, but it’s a good bet that he won’t be leading a revolution anytime soon. In 2012, Sunstein stepped down from a government position that might best be called “chief bureaucrat.” As the man in charge of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, he reviewed, and in many cases rejected, regulations and rules proposed by the nation’s administrative agencies. This is not a post from which one could pose much danger. Nor, the last time I checked, is a Harvard Law School professorship.” ”
    Sunstein is one of the most prolific central planners of our time. At his hands, I estimate that about $1 trillion taxpayer dollars were spent promulgating his ideas into regulations.

  2. Aw, come on, be honest! Doesn’t everybody just LOVE self-important, self-serving libcult pseudo-academic theoreticians like the bloviating Mr Sunstein? Sunstein is a perfect example of the “intellectuals” who provide the fig-leaf cover needed by the libcultists to pursue their agenda of power-acquisition and totalitarian control, all (they claim) for the benefit of those they seek to control. Of course in such a system the maximum “benefit” accrues exponentially to those located towards the top of the control pyramid, a fact not lost on the power-hungry libcultists who are already convinced that they are unquestionably “more equal than others”.
    Libcultists being libcultists isn’t exactly “news”, at least in the sense that it is anything new.

  3. He represents perfectly those groups mentioned in the previous article “New bullies and censors – pay attention”

  4. Another complete “zero”. It’s a sad commentary on us (collectively) that he is even paid attention to. Sigh!

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