Marcellus Shale targeted

All this fuss– another fracking scare sponsored by enviros.

Stop the evil frackers–South Carolina Newspaper talks about enviro activists, and a Michigan academic who get together to complain about lack of monitoring of a Pennsylvania Shale Fracking play.
Note the complaint that people get headaches and nose bleeds–sound a little like a syndrome?
A syndrome is a set of symptoms, not a disease, frequently syndromes end up being what we call in our business hysteria or, in nice words, neurotic functional complaints.
Watch, fracking will be the cause of impotence, gastritis, diarrhea, shortness of breath, insomnia, the shakes, and, of course, depression and loss of IQ. Premature births and cancer will be running close behind. Oooooohhhhh, the danger of smelling something in the air.
Like people who decide they just can’t stand perfume, and then they declare it makes them sick.
Of course more studies, more concern and better monitoring of the fracking activities are recommended.
Oh my nose is bleeding too, to think of these jackasses who would suddenly find that fracking is unhealthy after all these years. Toxic emissions suspected–run for your lives.

2 thoughts on “Marcellus Shale targeted”

  1. That’s why I used the word syndrome–these symptoms are stress, anxiety generated, not the result of toxic exposure. They end up being a constellation of symptoms that are frequently found in hysterical epidemics.
    As for your comment on wind turbines, certainly low frequency womping could drive some people nuts, but that’s different from people getting sick from smelling something or being afraid of something. Great book on hysterical epidemics in history
    Elaine Showalter Hystories. Showalter looks at the 19th century epidemic of neuroesthenia or the vapors, modern ones like chronic fatigue, gulf war, multiple personality, recovered memories of sex abuse, alien abduction, and satanic ritual abuse.

  2. There are similarly reported symptoms from people who live near the large windmills

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