Journalist Predicts Cold Winter will produce More Allergies.

Here’s some overpumped environmentalist trying to make some more crisis, claiming allergies will be worse after the cold winter.

So Mr. Doofus asserts that a bad winter will result in a “compressed” spring that will increase the allergies, causing harm.
Well bozo, the amount of pollen is not determined by the severity of the winter cold.
You need to take some Valium and listen to soothing music.

One thought on “Journalist Predicts Cold Winter will produce More Allergies.”

  1. Dont waste good commenting space by getting unduly cynical over a phenomena that aint junk science but a statement of the ‘bleedin obvious.’ of course an increase in pollen will cause more hayfever, and longer winters do cause an obvious increase in pollen. Im as cynical as the next man…but this?

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