John Coleman Retires–Salud

I have a great affection and respect for John Coleman.

He was the Channel 7 weather guy in Omaha when I was in College–and what a likable and wonderful personality.
Then he went on to Chicago, and National Prominence as Weatherman for ABC. Co-founder of the Weather Channel with Joe Daleo. Then he quit the big leagues for the ideal spot for a weather guy–San Diego, never have to report bad weather.
I met and introduced him at Heartland Climate meetings–always enjoyed his great presentations, in one he demonstrated his marvelous baritone speaking voice was attached to a great singing voice.
Always a smile, and an optimistic and happy warrior for our side.
I would wash his car or mow his lawn if he asked.

Weather Channel Co-Founder John Coleman Retires!

2 thoughts on “John Coleman Retires–Salud”

  1. Perhaps john Coleman could be invited to post in thes Blog from time to time. His views would indeed be welcome.

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