How Does the Evil Martin Heidegger Still have Philosophical Stature?

I got a minor in philosophy in college, pretty easy in a Jesuit college undergrad program. They made you study St Thomas Aquinas to almost a minor.

Never –never, after that, did I think of philosophers as anything other than an interesting diversion, often a boring pain in the ass, except for Aristotle.
I detested Plato and his followers and acolytes, all the way through the existentialists and the no mind post modernists of the Continent and the 1st world libs.
I liked the Stoics for their moral philosophy and the Brit American Aussie empiricists.
German philosophers are dangerous. Heidegger among them, but Heidegger is so admired by MOOOODERN leftist elitists.
This will get your goat if you think like I do about junkmeister philosophy of Heidegger and his poisonous ilk.
Incidentally I am not a Jew, but since I am a professional, I know a few–wish I was so smart. Imagine the world without Jew neurologist/writers/physicists/violinists/pianists/scientists for a start.
This condemnation by Mr. Smith and by me is not about Heidegger’s anti-Semitism, it’s about his stupidity and malignancy. He was an evil man for no good reason.

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