Hook em Commies–Corruption in Lone Star Higher Ed

The Richest and most lavishly, loathsomely lefty bastion of higher ed in Texas is the University of Texas, Austin.

Austin is not Texas, for sure–public employees dominate the place along with the parasites that inhabit most state capitals. Austin is like most intensely gov dominated places, and it also has UT–commie U. One of the exports of UT to the rest of the state is journlists, so that’s why Texas is a conservative state with newspapers that are auditioning to sub for the NYT or WAPO–even papers like the Lubbock Avalanche. You have to see it to believe it.
Imagine UT alumni businessmen and entrepreneurs thinking of UT first on their philanthropy lists, and UT also benefits from royalty income off big oil production plays in west Texas.
Prestige diploma too–even if it is a little cheapened by modern higher ed, so politicians like to lean on UT for their kids, who may be a little light between the ears.
That’s one part of the drama laid out here by Kevin Williamson of Nat Rev.
They do think they are special, and UT has cache’ even when their football team is down. After all the two biggest landmarks in Austin are the UT tower and the Capitol. UT has a national rank and a big stick.
He redeems them from some of the RINO Commentary I have to endure from a Mag that forgets its anti commie roots.
So there is a scandal at UT and the “Hook em Horns” is the hand sign for a pretty pathetically corrupt outfit, top to bottom.
I have some businessmen friends who are successful and just love UT–wear their orange on football day. Forget that the faculty is incurably socialist and worse. Can you imagine a Texas University that has members of their faculty that celebrated 9-11? People who hate America and love Fidel?
In Texas?
Who’da thunk it?
This story of Wallace Hall is laid out by Williamson very well.
Cheap favoritism at UT on behalf of some worthless children of pathetic politicians and some arrogant corruption in the ranks UT nomenklatura. In the mix is Austin–a blue dot in a red state. Just full of lefties–keep Austin weird is their motto–and they like the corruption of UT to their ways and their political mindset.

2 thoughts on “Hook em Commies–Corruption in Lone Star Higher Ed”

  1. It seems the frequent and respected poster, John1282, has opened the door to commentary on topics not usually found in the JunkScience annals. Thanks for your passionate tirade. Ya’ll should come to Texas for a visit, and stay awhile. Most of us like people. We weathered the financial storm better than most, and you can find work from shrimpin’ to semiconductor. You can have a nice house for a reasonable price. We do have a lot of uninsured people, but a lot of these people won’t even sign up for the state-funded healthcare programs so their kids can have vaccines. Some say it’s because these folks are afraid of being deported. All I can say about that is there are people all over the world afraid of something: rising sea level, melting glaciers, drowning polar bears … You all know our education system gets low ratings. I guess there are people that think government should pay parents to care, but that’s not the way most of us see it. Don’t be afraid, come on down for a barbeque and shrimp boil. Wash it all down with some Shiner beer, if you’re so inclined.
    — Hook ’em or Gig ’em, whatever you like!

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