Here we go Dopers and Friends of Dopers

So here’s Frum at Commentary Mag, advocating that legalizing Maryjuana is a bad idea.


I can’t wait to see what the dopers and doper sympathizers have to say about Mr. Frum’s essay.

Incidentally, this, along with sexual perversions, is the place where I part ways with the libertines, woops, pardon me, the libertarians.

I can live with alcohol, but not with the lingering and negative effects of THC.

I think it sad that adolescent marijuana use might cause the user to lose some IQ. 

What an unfortunate thing, considering not everyone can be a rock singer or a rapper.

I’m just that kind of guy and i would like to see as many people as possible reach their potential.

We don’t smoke maryjuana in Muskogee.

Mr. Frum, thanks for your essay–you just got me a bunch of blow back (can I say that?).

5 thoughts on “Here we go Dopers and Friends of Dopers”

  1. Can you please write an article laying out exactly how smoking Marijuana is immoral? Because I’m really unclear on that point. Can you also make sure to pin point the exact period in history where it became immoral, and provide the case why one plant should be immoral to use while thousands of others would be moral? I ask these questions because of your branding of supporters of legalization as “libertines,” and I’m curious about your thoughts on the subject.

  2. That is a poor article. He probably blames Joe Camel and the Marlborough Man for people smoking. If the option is between illegal use or legal use then I would choose legal use every time. Creating an entire class of criminals based off of fear has been historically ridiculed, and is currently accepted. To frame it to a conservative view, there is nothing in the Constitution of the United States that makes any drug behavior illegal, and the fact that it is illegal is what leads to most of the negative behavior (robbery, assault and murder). Outside of the US, look at Portugal for an example where legalization of drugs led to a decrease in drug use. The same was sited in the article for the two current legal drugs in the US, alcohol and tobacco.

  3. John, I appreciate your efforts to help expose Junk Science. Could you please stop with the Sean Hannity/Rush Limbaugh/Glenn Beck grandstanding and moralizing? If you care about conservative politics, you need atheists and liberatarians in the tent.

  4. I have seen the harm it does first hand – but then I have also seen the harm of many other things such as alcohol

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