4 thoughts on “Freeman Dyson Gets My Vote”

  1. SOrry; my commnet went into the ether half-finished. Feynman and Schwinger belong to those who absolutely deserved their Nobel Prizes!

  2. Freeman J. Dyson is the one who in the late 40s tied together the loose ends left by Richard Feynman and Julian Schwinger (subsequently awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics) when they created their own (very dissimilar) versions of the quantum theory of interaction between the electromagnetic field and electrical charges. He showed they were actually different ways of expressing the same thing and thus melted them into the unified dscipline of Quantum Electrodynamics. He was around 25 by then and for ever inscribed his name in the (virtual) Science Hall of Fame. In 1951 (at 27) he gave a series of lectures on the subject which still today are used as a cornerstone of the theoretical structure of the field for anyone wishing to learn it all through. The Royal Swedish Academy of Science never awarded Dyson the Nobel Prize; later on according to many an incredible mistake viewed in the light of achievements of others who have got the prize – not to downgrade them in any way.

  3. Freeman Dyson is probably the smartest guy on the planet.
    He was designated as such by none other than Albert Einstein.
    Even though he is now into the age bracket where too many people are loosing their mental faculties Mr. Dyson still seems to be functioning at a level that most of us will never achieve when we are at our mental peak.

  4. The media, who are currently telling us that the sky is falling even faster than before, will pretend they had their doubts all along.
    But they will still go easy on their fellow travelers and NEVER apologize for refusing to grant equal time and respect to those claiming the Earth is indeed round.

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