2 thoughts on “e cigs implicated in NICOTINE ODs”

  1. I actually mix my own E-Liquid, I’ve had the nicotine prior to dilution on my skin for quite awhile, I’ve accidentally flooded the E-Cig chamber and sucked in a mouthful of E-Liquid. Results?…Nada, no increased pulse rate, no increased blood pressure, no sweating, no nausea….Nada. But of coarse prior to using E-Cigs, I was a two and a half pack a day smoker for 40 some odd years. In all likelihood, I have a fair tolerance to nicotine.

  2. Don’t forget about the newest health hazard … 3rd hand smoke. You know, the minute trace amounts of nicotine and other smoke produced carcinogens that settle on walls and floors where (horror) the CHILDREN play. Give unto me a break!

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