Doper alert, Denver is in a Crime Wave

I always enjoy hearing why everyone should be allowed to keep toking on the weed.

So here we have some interesting news about crime rates on less than felonious crimes of violence in Denver since the big legalization party.
Of course I have no dog in this fight, I just enjoy the libertine positions espoused in response, after all its a victimless crime, say the libertarians. Maybe so.

2 thoughts on “Doper alert, Denver is in a Crime Wave”

  1. They leave out the rest of the state in their data. They also admit that the crime increased prior to actual legalization. They admit that there is not an increase in violent crimes, and they admit there is a slight decline. The article gives a variety of possible solutions, but then discounts them all instead of a pet theory though in the article they say that an enforcement crackdown is equally likely. They also state that this behavior is what you expect in an area where pot is legalized, and yet to my knowledge this is the first instance. That is a clever manipulation of the situation. I can say this is obviously what you expect in environment A, and then that this is also the first time environment A has ever been in existence. Where are their statistics for Seattle?

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