7 thoughts on “Don't talk to fat Girls about being fat, it makes them fat?”

  1. I follow a simple rule. Ignore what is deemed ideal or healthy. Before recent times, most of the things we are now measuring were difficult to measure (even the weight of a person, as scales were for measuring barrels and bags). My ancestors mostly lived into their 90’s. Chances are that you will live about as long as your ancestors. Genetics mean a lot more than weights and measures. Modern medicine can do some marvelous things. The problem is, that medicine doesn’t always recognize what it doesn’t know. So stop comparing your weight to some supposed ideal. You are not an average, you are a specific. Medicine applies only to an average (or simply a guess).

  2. without reading the study, it is hard to determine whether or not it has merit.
    However, I am a believer in anecdotal evidence and I do think that there is some truth in the outcome of the study.
    Being fat is a vicious cycle. Telling someone she is fat is extremely hurtful. That hurt translates to a need to seek comfort, and what better than comfort food?
    The problem I see is that too many people have the wrong idea about what makes a person obese. There is a need to stop with the judgements of those who are obese. It is extremely hurtful and it is unhelpful when obese people fail in their goals to take off the weight.
    Sometimes the answer to the problem lies in dealing with the issues that are causing depression. This is true for adults and is true for pre-pubescent girls.
    More activity is always helpful, but sometimes it is not possible to be more active. There are lots and lots of reasons as to why this might be the case.

  3. Speaking as someone who has always had issues with my weight. I do want to point out something: It seems like every year the ideal or healthy weight gets lighter and lighter. How exactly is someone supposed to be content with their weight if one year their weight is healthy, and five years later, with no change in weight, they are fat?

  4. Gotta be true. We already know that criticizing Islamic jihadists causes jihad. (Well, if you Ignore that Islam calls for jihad.)

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