Commenter to JKScience get's it right on Common Core

I am indebted to Mr. Traina, a commenter on the Common Core junk curriculum who has the info down good.

In the future when some of you idiots who think the developments are not the work of commies, send me stupid messages, maybe I refer you to Mr. Traina?
I am instinctively antagonistic to Common Core, but some of our commenters don’t get it–they think–hey, it’s a new curriculum designed for all the right purposes–NOT.
Terrorist Professor Bill Ayers and Obama’s Federal School Curriculum
Three years after the Department of Education announced a contest called Race-to-the-Top for $4.35 billion in stimulus funds, some parents, teachers, governors, and citizen and public policy groups are coming to an awful realization about the likely outcomes:
• A national curriculum called Common Core
• Regionalism, or the replacement of local governments by federally appointed bureaucrats
• A leveling of all schools to one, low national standard, and a redistribution of education funds among school districts
• An effective federal tracking of all students
• The loss of the option of avoiding the national curriculum and tests through private school and home school
Working behind the scenes, implementing these policies and writing the standards are associates from President Obama’s community organizing days. In de facto control of the education component is Linda Darling-Hammond, a radical left-wing educator and close colleague of William “Bill” Ayers, the former leader of the communist terrorist Weather Underground who became a professor of education and friend of Obama’s.
When these dangerous initiatives are implemented, there will be no escaping bad schools and a radical curriculum by moving to a good suburb, or by home schooling, or by enrolling your children in private schools.
How was it that 48 governors entered Race-to-the-Top without knowing outcomes?
It was one of the many “crises” exploited by the Obama administration. While the public was focused on a series of radical moves coming in rapid-fire succession, like the health care bill and proposed trials and imprisonment of 9/11 terrorists on domestic soil, governors, worried about keeping school doors open, signed on. Many politicians and pundits praised Obama on this singular issue, repeating the official rhetoric about raising standards.
It stands to reason, though, that education policies would be consistent with Obama’s agenda. After all, one of his most controversial associations, highlighted during the 2008 presidential campaign, was with an education professor, Bill Ayers. As a terrorist, he and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, had dedicated their Prairie Fire Manifesto to Sirhan Sirhan, the convicted assassin of Robert F. Kennedy. It was for this reason that Kennedy’s son, Christopher Kennedy, chairman of the University of Illinois board of trustees, voted against bestowing “professor emeritus” status on Ayers after he retired. “I intend to vote against conferring the honorific title of our university whose body of work includes a book dedicated in part to the man who murdered my father, Robert F. Kennedy,” he said.
Back then, the former bomber and co-founder of the communist terrorist Weather Underground organization was Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The two had worked together closely from the year Ayers hosted a political launch party for Obama, in 1995, to 2002. At the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, “the brainchild of Bill Ayers,” they funneled more that $100 million to radical groups like ACORN and Gamaliel, which used the funds to promote radical education.[i] This initiative was also promoted by Arne Duncan, now Secretary of Education. Also as board members of the Woods Fund, Ayers and Obama channeled money to ACORN and the Midwest Academy.
When initial White House visitor logs were released in 2009, the administration quickly dismissed speculations about visits by “William Ayers.” That was a different William Ayers Americans were told. The Obama administration is appealing an August 17 order to release the other visitor logs in response to a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch and others.

4 thoughts on “Commenter to JKScience get's it right on Common Core”

  1. Care to give some evidence to back up your claim? This is all hyperbole and supposition with no substance. One Bill Ayers was somewhere in Washington at times that he could have had an influence on the Common Core development. Whoop-dee. That doesn’t even amount to circumstantial evidence. Even if it’s true, I don’t care if one of the contractors on the work is titled Lucifer Satan. The people who work on it aren’t important as the results. The results of which are surprisingly bland. In fact, I would best characterize the entirety of the common core as inane.
    This enormous, rambling essay can be summarized as “bad people think bad things and might have had an influence on the development of this curriculum”. Where’s the beef? Where’s the evidence that this is actually being implemented? Analysis is a good thing. We should not put people on pedestals.
    For example, your source’s admiration of Hoover’s FBI is a red flag given his notorious mafia-style targetting of political and personal enemies. We cannot allow a “our side” view to dominate, especially against the openly corrupt.

  2. Narx said to take over a country, you need to control the press and the schools. Where did the 60’s radicals go? Media and education. Bombard the people with left wing ideas, 24/7, and many will believe.

  3. Thank you for this. Please write more on Common Core and also why (besides the obvious) have Catholic/Private schools adopted their version of CCCII (Common Core Catholic Identity Initiative). The more intelligent, thoughtful people write about this topic, the more the info gets out to those that don’t know anything about it, and how it affects their kids. Keep up the good work. Thank you.

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