Cleveland Plain Dealer–Deals on the silly IPCC

As the man says–they just crank up the volume. I say they pound the table.

Mr. O Brien has done some good stuff. Milloy likes his work. Me too.
However this essay is especially good–wonderful points made. Great licks on some of the nonsense they continue to push.
O Brien proves the literary genius of us Irishmen, he does.

2 thoughts on “Cleveland Plain Dealer–Deals on the silly IPCC”

  1. “O Brien proves the literary genius of us Irishmen, he does.”
    And John Dale Dunn throws another data point to affirm the already strong hypothesis that Irish restlessness is congenital.

  2. 1. That man will never be allowed in the editorial department of the LA Times. A point of pride.
    2. Turns out Arctic Sea Ice is highly variable and no one should crow about this month or that year.
    3. There may well be some anthropogenic warming pressure so I’d be careful about flat declarations other than it being indistinguishable from natural warming periods of the past.
    4. I somehow missed the IPCC going from highly likely to extremely likely on man-made drivers. There can be no scientific basis for that increase in certainty. You can’t be forced into an unproven theory of an explanation of why there is no warming for 17 years while anthropogenic sources of warming are higher and become more certain that those sources are significantly warming the planet.

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