Barone warns of predictions

Michael Barone, political pundit, takes down the current settled science and presumptions.

I had a local friend, very smart guy, tell me many years ago that he thought the Club of Rome was right about shortages and future famine and deprivation.
I asked him to read Bjorn Lomborg’s book The Skeptical Envioronmentalist that Lomborg put together after he and his resaarch team found out that Julian Simon was right–overpopulation is a false hobgoblin–Simon showed that when societies reach an adequate population that progress accelerates, which is why Simon, the economic historian found that the 18th and 19th and 20th centuries showed continued progress and a rise in quality of life across the globe.
So here Barone, who specializes in electoral politics analysis, talks about what is not so certain, that things are settled and administrative states are the wave of the future, with the stifling bureaucracies that accompany.
He’s not so sure, and I hope he’s right.

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