Antonio Gramsci–remember that name

Antonio was a commie who came up with the strategy of the march through the institutions.

El Duce’ put him in jail in the 30s and he spent his jail time writing about how to make communism successful after the anticipated revolution of the proletariat didn’t occur.
Mr. Gramsci was on to something–people are suckers for the idea of communism.
Consider these two essay that are part of the reason why I am increasingly pessimistic about our chances of turning back the left and the oligarchy that has developed on the bones of capitalism in the US.

6 thoughts on “Antonio Gramsci–remember that name”

  1. There has been one miscalculation on the part of the Ruling Class, as far as taking over America completely. It may not stop them, but it could slow them down. Americans still own guns. The vast majority of Americans who own guns have never fired their guns in anger, nor even pointed their guns at fellow humans. And, in spite of a concerted effort on the part of “our betters” to convince us of how evil guns are, Americans are purchasing even more guns. There is still hope, though it hangs by a thread.

  2. If something happens to change the expectation, it’ll have to be unexpected events and players yet to be named. Not much hope, given also the recent poll that 31% of folks are OK or approving of the control of speech for normative purposes.

  3. Steve didn’t write or post the stuff on Gramsci. I did and mostly I was working off what I had read as his role as someone who articulated the march through the institutions but I can learn.
    Tell me more about yourself and your research. Never ever heard of willi.
    I can see where Gramsci just got put out front as the idea man when he was just writing about things he heard in commie meetings.
    obviously they were very disappointed with the lack of revolution and the success of free markets in raising peoples quality of life.

  4. Same shit happening here in the UK. David Miliband – brother ofEd, who may be our next PM (God help us) is big into Gramsci. And there dad Ralph was a full-on committed Marxist.

  5. Steve,
    While you (and your quoted writer at American Thinker) have got the right concept, you’ve got the wrong villian.
    Gramsci was an Italian wannabe with no influence whatsoever. Gramsci was a member of the Comintern, and attended meetings in Moscow in the early 30’s during which the covert influence strategy was plotted and explained. Gramsci took notes, went back to Italy, and was arrested.
    His writings, just a compilation of notes he wrote in prison, were published after he died a wretched commie death in prison. Just like “the Frankfurt School,” Gramsci was not the creator of the destruction from within operation.
    The man who conceived of, and implemented the covert influence operation to destroy the West, specifically America, from within, was an evil genius of communist covert operations against the US, Willi Muenzenberg.
    Not only did Muenzenberg plan the operation, he carried it out. Tasked by the Comintern, in the early 1920s, to destroy their Main Adversary, Muenzenberg laid out the plan to infect our cultural transmission belts with an anti-American payload.
    Full details of how Muenzenberg created the operation, and why today’s Politically Correct Progressives hate America (including the Global Warming fanatics), is in this short video:
    So, the name to remember is: Willi Muenzenberg.

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