Another Dissent by a former Warmer Fanatic

Richard Tol ring a bell? At least he thinks he’s the cats’ pajamas and he says the IPCC has a flawed process–What took you so long, Tol, if you’re so smart? Money maybe?

As the Church Lady would say–isn’t that special, Richard Tol has pangs of conscience. Maybe Richard Feynman visited him in his sleep. The IPCC and climate science community has always been riven by bias and conflicts created by big funding from the leftist watermelon bullies and sponsoring govs that wanted to control economies.
I suppose we could give him credit for refusing to further shame his mommy by continuing to go along with the climate junk science from green bullies and fanatics. The failed modeling and irresponsible panic mongering finally just got to be too much, eh?

‘The Himalayan glacier melt really was the least of the errors’ – UN IPCC Lead Author Dr. Richard Tol turns on UN: ‘The IPCC does not guard itself against selection bias and group think’ – ‘Alarmism feeds polarization. Climate zealots want to burn heretics of global warming on a stick’

5 thoughts on “Another Dissent by a former Warmer Fanatic”

  1. And I can accept that opinion from someone who truly thinks that CO2 warming is a problem that needs to be addressed. Dr Tol has been squarely in the warmist camp, and while I disagree with his trust in the Working Group 1 conclusions, I must agree with his conclusions on Working Group 3, that the majority of the problems in adaptation will be mismanagement and corruption. Case in point, the rest of his letter.
    Once we get rid of the corrupt and power-hungry, then we can debate among ourselves. After all, there are legitimate differences of opinion on how to weight the evidence and what risk is acceptable, but I think that reasoned argument will prevail on Dr Tol that a carbon tax would be unnecessary, counter-productive, and prone to corruption. Dr. Curry had the same sort of breakoff from the IPCC, and now she is arguably our strongest advocate.

  2. To: President Obama
    Subject : Request to Prepare the USA for Dangerous Cold
    Space and Science Research Corporation
    P.O. Box 607841 * Orlando, FL 32860
    (407) 985-3509 *
    President Barack H. Obama
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
    Washington, D.C. 20500
    April 28, 2014
    SUBJECT: Request to Prepare the USA for Dangerous Cold Climate.
    Dear Mr. President,
    Good morning.
    This letter is sent to you as a heartfelt request that you take immediate action to insure that the United States of America is fully prepared for the historic, potentially dangerous, new cold climate that has begun.
    This request is backed up by research over the past decades into the causes of climate change along with the real status of the Earth’s climate. Key findings of that research are provided here in a partial list of what is either widely accepted or can be easily validated:
    1. The past period of global warming, a natural phenomenon produced primarily by the Sun, has ended. We have now had over seventeen years without any effective growth in global atmospheric temperatures in the troposphere. Ironically, this means that for the majority of the time the international community has been dealing with global warming, there wasn’t any! It is therefore important to accept that global warming has ended. There is no global warming!
    2. The Earth is actually cooling and has been for years.The world’s oceans have been cooling for eleven years as has the atmosphere for most of that time. Of the twenty-four climate parameters monitored by the Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC) and recorded in its quarterly Global Climate Status Report (GCSR), eighteen of them show global cooling as the dominant trend. The remaining six are expected to convert to ‘cooling’ status within the next five years. Sea levels have already started to drop where some ocean areas are getting colder. The SSRC has predicted a global sea level reduction lasting thirty years to begin at any time between this year and the 2020’s. If these trends change, the SSRC will be the first to report it. However, based on actual global temperatures and the most reliable climate models, there is only one conclusion to be made about the Earth’s current climate status – a new cold climate has arrived!
    3. If this new cold epoch proceeds as past episodes (roughly 200 and 400 years ago), we should expect to see substantial global crop damage, social and political upheaval, and loss of life. These ill-effects are expected to start soon and last at least three decades. We have little time left to prepare. Respected Russian scientists have even gone so far as to say a new “Little Ice Age” will start this year! This means the advancing cold climate is a serious threat to our people!
    4. The new cold climate is being brought to the Earth by a repeating 206 year cycle of the Sun. I independently discovered this cycle and announced it in 2007. Though many other researchers have discovered this cycle or predicted a coming cold climate, they have been ignored. The cold phase of this two-century-long cycle is produced by the Sun making dramatic reductions in the energy by which it warms the planet. This Sun-driven cold period is called a “solar hibernation,” by the SSRC. It is important to note that NASA, the US Air Force, and the National Solar Observatory have confirmed the on-going decline in solar activity. This has happened as I predicted. It is also necessary to know that this natural, repeating, and ominous change in the Sun is unstoppable!
    5. Research related to these solar hibernations, also shows they occur concurrently with the most destructive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the latter of which can add dramatically to an already colder climate.
    In addition, I believe African Americans, other minorities, and the poor will suffer the most because of the new cold era and your climate policies. This assertion is supported by the fact that a large percentage of these citizens are largely dependent on the US government for food, which we will start to run short of as the cold starts to damage crops. This means as a result of your climate policies, they may be both unprepared and unable to get food routinely during the worst years of the coming cold climate. Further, your climate policies include making energy costs “skyrocket” to quote you. These energy cost increases will hit minorities and the poor the most.
    In summary, the lives of many Americans may be in jeopardy as a consequence of the arrival of the new cold climate, your continued support for the flawed, unreliable manmade global warming theory, and your lack of action to prepare the United States for the next climate change.
    Regardless of your stated belief in “accelerating” global warming, (something that does not exist), as President of the United States, you still remain fully responsible and accountable for the welfare of our approximately 317 million citizens.
    You therefore deserve to receive this genuine warning about the new cold climate if nothing else, for the record.
    John L. Casey
    Has anyone heard of this group or is this an internet scam?

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