WSJ and the Business Community need to stock up on Umbrellas

EPA is killing progress and burdening industry and business to the detriment of the citizens.

Wall Street Journal (WSJ) put up this crapola article by Carol Lee, the gist is Gina McCarthy and the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) are OK and getting along with business. There not so bad. Gina McCarthy is “someone they can work with” like I haven’t heard that phrase before, from numbskull politicians and diplomats just before they get their ass handed to them.
McCarthy, in case they haven’t checked, runs a company that is populated with fanatics, who promote bad science and bad politics and use environmental laws and regs to destroy capitalism and the economy. For no reason other than their lust for power and control. They lie about the benefits of their rule and regs and then fund research to justify the lies regulatory regimes.
Junk Science spends a lot of space and time exposes their perfidy and their scientific misconduct that supports equally perfidious policy misconduct.
Carol Lee, writing for the WSJ, linked below, wants peace and friendly relations between the greens and their enemy, Business and Industry and the regular citizens. She wants comity–she wants to write there won’t be any problems, Gina McCarthy is just a friendly pudgy grey haired nice gal. And we wonder why the country slides inexorably to the left? Why the EPA is a runaway train.
Well Carol Lee, the WSJ and the people from business and industry, lobbyist and lawyers, are part of the problem. they facilitate the growth of the state. State regulations improve their billable hours.
Wake up people, 20 years of EPA overreach and you’re willing to let the EPA continue on the march to kill America?
Claiming by way of junk science that their rules are saving hundreds of thousands of lives that would be lost if current ambient air pollution is not reduced. Really, and, as Milloy has said–where are the bodies, these hundreds of thousands of bodies dead from dust and fine particulate air pollution?
the Wall Street Journal, the Chamber, business and professional groups compromise and facilitate and never stand up to the left. So we drift left.
I am not much into compromising with vipers or rabid dogs. I have not plan to concede to fanatics who are pushing an irrational science and policy agenda, hoping to roll up the great USA and make it an administrative welfare state oligarchy loaded up with regulations written by self-appointed elites.
Gina McCarthy is a viper and yet some jackass from the oil and petrol business says she a friendly person and he would like to have a beer with her?
Sorta like Uncle Joe Stalin killed millions but FDR looked the other way.
How many examples do we have to have of weakling business and industry lobbyist and lawyer wimps to realize that in the heart of every lawyer and lobbyist for the business,industry citizen side there beats the heart of a weakling, whereas, no matter what you might see on the surface the same groups for the left/green side they will fight to the death and they are intent on destroying capitalism and constitutional limited governance.
There are very few people on our side who fight with the strategic sense and the ferocity necessary to turn back these monsters.
Breitbart knew how and he was effective. Ben Shapiro, Ted Cruz, sometimes others. Most people in DC and in gov are facilitators and compromisers–they think like lawyers and diplomats.
Are the WSJ and their writer, Carol Lee willfully blind about the nature of the US EPA and would they intentionally portray McCarthy and her gang as reasonable?
Neville Chamberlain wrote the rules for the right, Saul Alinsky wrote the rules for the left.
Start with that and remember Chamberlain said “Peace in our time.”
It is worthwhile to revisit the psychopathology of the left, best exemplified by Saul Alinsky, the mentor of Hillary Clinton and a great influence even after death of Barack Obama.
Boehner, McConnell look like good warriors to you?
Anybody advocating compromise with Gina McCarthy and the EPA wolf pack is willfully feckless and irresponsible and has abandoned a duty owed to the citizenry desperate to have some control and liberty and less overreach from these EPA and grennie NGO fanatics.
Here is a good portrait of the sociopathy of the left by James Lewis, writer for American Thinker.
And here, from Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals p. 125 are the rules, abbreviated by me.
The rules are intended for people Alinsky knew were vulnerable to vilification and bellicose attacks. The tactics make people like the industry reps/lawyers and lobbyists afraid along with business organizations/professional organizations and politicians.
Who would go onto the field of battle with important things at stake without a warrior who will accept nothing but victory? the alternative is defeat and destruction. In war it’s for keeps.
If you facilitate a cease-fire or peace and leave an avaricious or malignant and mendacious enemy enough to allow recovery, you just kick the can down the road. The enemy wants a reprieve and a chance to rearm and build more power and probe for weaknesses or find new attacks,new allies.
When writing about street drama and actions, Alinsky describes, on page125, tactics to beat the man—the institutions and the people who represent the hated establishment and culture. He speaks of the societal institutions and establishment persons as the enemy.
1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
2. Never go outside the experience of your people.
3. Wherever possible go outside the experience of the enemy. (cause confusion, fear, retreat)
4. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.
5. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.
6. A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.
7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
8. Keep the pressure on with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the time and space for your purpose.
9. The threat is usually more terrifying that the thing itself.
10. The Major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.
11. If you push a negative hard enough it will break through into its counter side. ( I don’t understand this one very well.)
12. The price of the successful attack is a constructive alternative. (don’t get trapped by an admission or an offer of agreement, stay on the attack.)
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it. (attack persons and freeze them so they can’t blame someone else or make an effective excuse. Allow no middle ground, black and white, evil and good.)

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