Totalitarianism and Sheeple

We talked about facilitators last week, people who supposedly represent the people’s interests in DC.

Lawyers and lobbyists were our concern over the weekend, but how about the problem of totalitarianism.
Ask yourself the question–when government crushes liberty, how does it do such a thing–because the people comply?
When the government defines the terms and decides the conversation, and establishes what is the political or scientific “consensus” then what can the citizenry expect?
Facilitation is complicity. The Bill of Rights is now rescinded by diktat from DC.

One thought on “Totalitarianism and Sheeple”

  1. I won’t venture to guess if there’s equilibrium in the marketplace, but clearly, there’s open competition between Washington and the citizens for who gets political power. Originally, that competition was never supposed to exist, but it was an overt concern that now has us by the throat.

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