The Gaurdian reports a scandal

Here’s a toxic soup–The Guardian and Southern Environmental Law Center.
Wonder who got these emails that are so important, maybe an enviro mole? Maybe?

I know, I know, Coal Ash sounds really bad, and Duke Energy is an evil energy company that keeps the lights on.
Imagine, the NC Enviro Agency is communicating with a company it has under its boot and the Company communicates back.
Knowing Duke energy, I can assure the reader that Duke is very green and squishy, kind of in the vein of BP. You’d think they were ashamed of what they do sometimes, wish they didn’t have to produce electricity and could just plant organic gardens and go to May Day celebrations of Mother Gaia.
My incredulity rises when the Southern Enviro Law Center and Guardian coordinate on a scandal.
They say the collusion is between Duke and NC–all I see across the country is just the opposite–too much collusion between the people in the matching t shirts demonstrating, their sponsoring Enviro NGOs and state and Federal Enviro Agencies.

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