Stephen Moore on Collusive Lawsuits

Well Stephen Moore, a fine person for sure, helps me with my work.

I have tried to splain and educate on collusive lawsuits, that are called in the punditry racket “sue and settle.”
I am an attorney so I know how it works. Two parties who are anxious to get a court imprimatur on an outcome that is manufactured in a back room deal, set up a phony lawsuit.
The judge is usually in on it–knowing that the court will then be able to play and seal the deal, great fun for black-robed oligarchs who are impatient with the political process. They get to be shadow legislators, handing out Solomonic edicts, even supervising the execution of the settlement and decree.
It is a fraud on the court, and the judges and lawyers involved violate their oath to uphold the law.
I have been licensed and admitted to the Bar in NE, LA and TX, all by examination because I don’t practice law. In each of those states you swear on your oath to be an ethical officer of the court and uphold the constitution and laws of the state and the nation.
A judge takes an oath too.
How disheartening it is to know that professionals who participate in these collusions are living a lie, shaming their parents and family, all for ambition. They are a form of organized criminal gang, funded by ideologues who will break the law and corrupt the judicial system for the end they seek.
What do they seek–power and control. Do they pursue a scientifically proven solution for a problem–no, and they know they suffer from fallacious science and biases described as tunnel vision, confirmation and outcome bias.
The first casualty of an ideology is the truth. True believers would say that collusive suits are a case of ends justify the means.
Thank you Mr. Moore. Another fine essay. I have enjoyed your economics lessons too.

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