4 thoughts on “Statins get a maybe”

  1. Well quite a few people have side-effects from Lipitor; I did, too, though mild.
    I’ve had no noticeable side-effects, however, from a very low dose of Crestor + an even lower dose of Zetia. (I’m very good at splitting pills!)

  2. I have tried to take statins twice in the last year and both times I quit because of joint and muscle pain building up by the day. Meanwhile, I discovered a doctor-written book called “The Cholesterol Myth” and had my eyes opened. First, it is a $30 billion dollar a year industry. Second, most of the studies about it where paid for by that industry. Thirdly, your cholesterol level is the least factor in heart disease.
    My cholesterol level is currently 275. Instead of the traditional cholesterol tests, my doctor had me see a lab that could differentiate between the two types of LDL and 3 types of HDL and also my VLDL. All of these were of the healthy type, which is more important than the level. That and other information from the blood test has me rated as being at a low level risk of having a heart attack.
    I eat almost no sugar and lots of brightly colored vegetables and fruit which are full of antioxidants to keep my cholesterol from being degraded by fructose and free radicals. The authors of “The Cholesterol Myth” recommend against giving statins to people over 70, which includes me.
    Statins can affect memory, cause weakness and pain in the joints, lower Coenzyme Q-10, and affect the production of steroids and sex hormones. This is not a drug to take lightly.

  3. Not sure what my colleague was referring to. There were two stories of interest in regards to statins earlier today. The first said they seemed to help in reducing post surgical issues after “total joint replacements”. The second was that the “Statins have virtually no side-effects, study finds” (I hate the term “side effects”).

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