Stan Young goes to the Archives on Air Pollution Epidemiology

This is a study on 10 micron particles that shows no evidence of human health effects.
Small particles (2.5 micron) follow on large.

So Stan Young says–how is it that they make these claims.
One study that proves their hypothesis wrong is enough. As Einstein said, one experiment can prove the most elegant theory wrong.
The EPA paid NISS to look into air pollution claims in the mid 1990s. At the time they honestly wanted to know if air pollution was acutely killing people. (NISS is National Institute of Statistical Science)
This report
Stan the man, statistics wizard says:
should have put a wooden stake in the heart of the vampire.
The report was written into a paper that appeared in EHP, (Environmental Health Perspectives) of all places.

Click to access tr55.pdf

3 thoughts on “Stan Young goes to the Archives on Air Pollution Epidemiology”

  1. Ever wonder what composes most of that indoor PM?
    About 75% of the ‘dust’ in homes and restaurants is cast off dead human skin cells.
    Each 7.5 cm X 10 cm(3″ X 4″) patch of skin, the back of your hand, casts off about 12,000 dead skin cells per minute.
    Those dead, decaying, and rotting skin cells of yours will create a mist of your dead skin around you.
    You breathe them in and they settle on your veggies on your plate. As you lift those veggies to your mouth they will pick up an ever larger coating of your decaying, rotting, airborne ex-skin.
    That creepy, unwashed old man, two tables over, you are also eating some of his dead skin cells.
    The top 25 or so layers of skin cells are dead cells just waiting to be cast off.
    When you lick your fingers, you are ingesting thousands of your dead cells onto your lips and into your mouth.

  2. The EPA would say your observations are premature. Their junk science tells them so.

  3. I grew up next door to a trucking company, 3 block from a major highway.
    Now that I’m grown up I’ve worked for a company that produces farm equipment in an environment of diesel trucks, tractors, and forklifts for 41 years and I’m still alive to talk about it.

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