Snow will be Gone

I went to Amazon to get book.

But on the first page for Amazon was a featured book and writer was how snow is disappearing because of climate change, and snow skiing will become only a memory.
On Saturday our home town talk radio station has a syndicated National Geographic program that currently is beating the drum for accelerating and catastrophic warming. The narrator/reporter was making the case that warming was really coming on–his evidence–it’s hot in Australia, ignore the cold in the Northern Hemisphere.
I must say the planet is full of numbskulls and I am grateful to live a solitary life. I am not sure how you city folks rubbing up against the morons stay sane.

5 thoughts on “Snow will be Gone”

  1. OK, let me say I will not dispute the claim that it is hot in Australia. It is not that I believe it it is just I don’t want to waste my time arguing over it. Somehow this is supposed to make us think that the rest of the planet or maybe just the Southern Hemisphere is warmer? I might point out that Antarctica has record low temps and record ice packs.
    We all understand that weather is not climate but climate is the sum of weather over larger periods of time. Being cold in the winter or hot in the summer is kinda expected. When we see multi-year trends of extended winters or extended summers then we might be able to see a small signal of real climate change.

  2. “It’s hot in Australia” is the favorite mantra of global warming goons and is shouted out anytime someone mentions “cold”.

  3. My good heavenly days, how could it possibly be HOT in Australia – after all it is SUMMER DOWN THERE!!!

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