SAT Dumbs Down to Common Core

Who is this creep Coleman?

It is hard to understand how such a good testing program like SAT could become another sycophantic program for the Dewey socialists unless you understand the ideology of the socialists, the post modernist/deconstructionists, the Deweyite pedagogues.
Recall the SAT was developed to assure a fair and level playing field for student assessment, a real predictor of scholastic ability. It was supposed to be egalitarian, fair, objective, impersonal and improve chances for smart kids with no social connections. Take the legacy favoritism off the list of considerations in favor of some real measures of smarts.
Not a bad goal. But in the post modernist world everything is about socialist ideology and “social justice” and nothing about truth and integrity of intellectual pursuits and activity.
Now it’s all about politics/victim and grievance cant/”social jusice” by socialist/marxists.
Which is one reason we have an illiterate in the presidency a man who managed to squander a very expensive education. I am an inactive lawyer in addition to being a physician and I have written more about the law than a graduate of the Harvard Law School?? My goodness.
And don’t be so impressed he was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review–that’s not an academic achievement it is a political one. The Editor of the Harvard Law Review is the scholar, the smart guy–the president of the Harvard Law Review got enough votes from the Board. And in this case conservatives on the Board put him in, probably feeling guilty like most white guys do. He got to be president just like he got other political positions–promising to be the friendly and reasonable person, the back slapper/manipulator.

One thought on “SAT Dumbs Down to Common Core”

  1. I am an inactive lawyer in addition to being a physician and I have written more about the law than a graduate of the Harvard Law School?? My goodness.

    Damned strange. The fact that this “community organizer” clown has nothing in the publication section of his vitae would be remarkable if he had a graduate degree in any field, but it’s even more noteworthy when he boasts of having served as some kind of instructor at the University of Chicago’s school of law.
    A practicing attorney might reasonably be expected to have written professionally only to address specific clients and their cases. After all, the average practicing medical doctor writes tons of stuff that’s of “drop-dead” forensic importance (ranging from disability evaluations to hospital discharge summaries to involuntary commitment statements) without ever producing anything that’s really suitable for publication, but is it possible for anyone to rise to a faculty position anywhere without putting some kind of thought into written form suitable for the professional education of students or colleagues?
    How the hell could Michelle’s Metrosexual Meatpuppet move through the career advertised in his personal propaganda noise without so much as leaving a single trace of his presence somewhere in the law literature?
    You’re correct in observing that “Barry” Soebarkah (adopted son of Suharto regime thug “Lolo” Soetoro) got his presidency of Harvard Law Review in precisely the same way he gained admission to Occidental College, transfer to Columbia University, and entry to Harvard Law School.
    By being a foreign exchange student from Indonesia who “gave good interview.”

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