Professor Hank on the Decline of the Monarch B-Fly

Hank provides an analysis.

Here he goes, in response to my plea that he analyze this terrible development, the reduced population of Monarch Butterflies.
Beautiful creatures and the migrate to Mexico so the counts show more than 50 %reductions.
Monarchs, Monsanto & Milkweed
In my very limited research and even more limited knowledge of the subject I have provided a brief overview.
The Monarch’s favorite forb is the Milkweed, it deposits the larvae on the milkweed and the plant provides the nourishment that allows for continuation of the Monarch. There is a conflict in this rustic affair.
The milkweed conflicts with the row crops for nourishment and growth that reduces yields in the agriculture industry. Reduction in yield reduces income and by extension requires more farmland or less food. Herbicides have in the past been unable to kill the milkweed without killing the crop as well. This is where Monsanto comes in. Monsanto creates a GM seed that is resistant to the herbicide “Roundup”. The milkweed population is reduced and the yield is improved. Some rogue milkweed does survive this onslaught however and thrives from the nutrients and fertilizers provided for the cropland it is sharing. This it where it gets even more exciting.
Milkweed also grows often in the adjoining lands and roadsides of the farm fields. The Monarch scorns this milkweed, the less fortunate, less nourished and living a hardscrabble life! The Monarch much prefers the better-nourished interloper; the methodology is so far unknown. Royalty is so fickle.
The overall population of Monarchs has declined in recent years according to research done in Mexico where Monarchs hibernate before heading North into the West and Southwest of the USA. Counts from 1993 up 2012-13 show an estimated reduction of 43%! There are many theories as to the cause of this reduction, illegal logging and reduction of native habitat in Mexico to Weather and of course ‘Climate Change”. I noticed that the World Wildlife Fund provided some money for the study in Mexico. The WWF is of course opposed to GM foods, herbicides and the evil humans cause in general to Planet Earth. The Enviro Fanatics, followers of junk science and Warmists must oppose greater food production because it negates their Malthusian beliefs.
My current conclusion is that it is true the Monarchs have declined but the reason or reasons are so far unknown. I suspect it is cyclical and a combination of some of the other reasons may have some minor influence. We can never rule out a transcendental vortex or other so far unknown. As for the relationships between the bovine and the milkweed, it is beyond my current skimpy awareness. I say, if you like your milkweed, you can keep your milkweed.
Hank de Carbonel

2 thoughts on “Professor Hank on the Decline of the Monarch B-Fly”

  1. Monarchs have scaled back their numbers because they have noticed the decrease in sunspot activity and realize the “climate” will change and there may not be sufficient food resources to support a burgeoning population.
    (Hey! It’s just as good as anyone else’s ideas.)

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