Potent new Narcotic, Zohydro

Dangerous to allow the potent stuff on the market. One pill is not the same as another.

When I was working at Harlem Hospital sometimes the potency of the latest street heroin killed or almost killed people.
When the new Benzo Versed came out in the early 90s some patients died because it was much more potent and using Valium dosing to sedate patients was way to much Versed. Became a big national news event.
Now, for some reason a new, more potent opiate closely related to Hydrocodone but much more potent is about to hit the market, to the consternation of many. Oxycodone and oxycontin are already widely used, so the concern about Zohydro seems a little misplaced.
One thing for sure,in the opiate naive hydrocodone or oxycodone are effective. Zyhydro is, no doubt for chronic pain patients who have become opiate tolerant.
Dozens of Groups, Experts Call on FDA to Withdraw Its Approval of Zohydro, Supercharged Opioid: A Single Dose Could Kill a Child; FDA Approved Drug Despite Overwhelming Negative Advisory Committee Vote
Public Citizen, 2014 Feb 26
News February 28, 2014

2 thoughts on “Potent new Narcotic, Zohydro”

  1. agreed. and no doubt keeping the acetamenophen intake down is worth the change.

  2. all this “new drug” is hydrocodone w/o APAP, which will allow the pain management folks more leeway in doing effective analgesia while lessening the chances of liver damage.
    it’s being marketed similar to fentanyl patches, in that the product is labeled for use only in opiate experienced patients with sever chronic pain.
    the luddites out to kill it are either morons, or people who stand to gain from the status quo.

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