Note on Denier Issue

Joe Bast says, I hadn’t seen this before… wow.

So here’s what slapped Joe and got his attention as a leader in the battle.
You might say, in the warmer world Joe is a senior skeptic and when they are really getting defamatory, he’s a denier.
Milloy and me too. And some fine climate experts we know. A bunch.
…and just now, this is getting lots of attention:

UK Guardian: ‘The evidence for man-made global warming is as final as the evidence of Auschwitz. No other word will do’ – Laments ‘The climate change deniers have won’
Read the Full Article
UK Guardian’s Nick Cohen – Saturday 22 March 2014 13.30 EDT – ‘And please, can I have no emails from bed-wetting kidults blubbing that you can’t call us “global warming deniers ” because “denier” makes us sound like “Holocaust deniers”, and that means you are comparing us to Nazis? The evidence for man-made global warming is as final as the evidence of Auschwitz. No other word will do.’
‘Climate change deniers are as committed. Their denial fits perfectly with their support for free market economics, opposition to state intervention and hatred of all those latte-slurping, quinoa-munching liberals, with their arrogant manners and dainty hybrid cars, who presume to tell honest men and women how to live. If they admitted they were wrong on climate change, they might have to admit that they were wrong on everything else and their whole political identity would unravel.’

12 thoughts on “Note on Denier Issue”

  1. If we could spell, there would be no reason to have a computer. Spellcheck is the greatest invention of all time. That’s just my opinion.

  2. They started with the references to linking critics of AGW to deniers of the holocaust from day 1. I know, I just asked the question about the MWP and the LIA. You would have thought I’d committed the greatest crime in history. That was 15+ years ago. AGW still hasn’t answered the question. By the way, since I questioned it, I was deemed mentally ill, along with a description of the symptoms of my illness.

  3. I prefer to say “Really?” when the accusation arises. It can’t be turned on/repeated back to me as can your statement and if you say it with enough credulity or disdain, the conversation usually ends. If not, keep repeating as necessary until the individual stops talking. You are correct that it’s definately not a new technique.

  4. I call it “preemptive accusation,” and it is an ancient tactic: accuse others first, so that an accusation directed back at your sounds less credible, even if true.
    The only appropriate response in the absence of facts to back up the accusation is, “He who smelt it, dealt it.”

  5. Apparently it’s bastardized Spanish which is itself bastardized Quechua. It’s really a miracle anyone learns to read English. It’s kind of like rice or couscous, makes a good side dish that you can flavor however you want.

  6. HEY! I drink lattes and eat quinoa. I’m highly offended by the false associations presented in this article.

  7. There’s a term referred to as Godwin’s Law that states as the length of discussion on an Internet exchange increases the probability of a reference to Hitler or Nazis approaches 1. I think the Warmists have exhausted themselves of all Reason and have thus turned to comparisons with Nazis in an exasperated attempt to vilify those committed to skeptical, i.e. real Science.

  8. Cohen’s technique is that of all progressives/liberals or whatever you want to call them. Point at someone and say they are robbing a store blind while you move the merchandise out the back door yourself. It’s the go-to position for these people. If they are saying anything about behaviour or motivation, you can be sure they are describing themselves and trying to get you to believe someone else is guilty. Also, remember, the ends justifies the means. You can insult, denegrate, treat people like garbage as long as you are sure you have the moral high ground. Or at least as long as you want to abuse people for your own edification. Seriously, they care nothing about anyone but themselves.

  9. I ‘might’ start to listen to these ‘so called’ scientists ‘if’ in stead of pontificating they could actually come up with tangible proof of man made climate change – I am reliably informed that there has been no increase in temperature for many years. I have also been reliably informed that the normal rate of sea level rise has in fact deceased. Just two major indicators – so please blockheads come out in the open and make some provable honest statements in stead of this continual ‘fact less’ whinging about us normal people (and I most definitely am not a holocaust denier)

  10. The irony in this statement is astounding:
    “Climate change deniers are as committed. Their denial fits perfectly with their support for free market economics, opposition to state intervention and hatred of all those latte-slurping, quinoa-munching liberals, with their arrogant manners and dainty hybrid cars, who presume to tell honest men and women how to live. If they admitted they were wrong on climate change, they might have to admit that they were wrong on everything else and their whole political identity would unravel.”
    Look in the mirror, Cohen. The only thing keeping the global warming theories alive is the prejudice that the self-appointed elites are necessary to run the economy because we “kidults” can’t be trusted with responsibility. Any honest look at the science (which Cohen either can’t or won’t do) squarely supports the “deniers.”
    Shrill garbage like that spewed by Cohen is a clear sign that the worldview of those-who-should-rule is crumbling about them and cognitive dissonance is setting in.

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