My Brother's Keeper–Junk and Bunk

I was around for job corps and the war on poverty.

I lived in the ghetto of Omaha as a Medical Student, and I knew it pretty well. There were people we called program pimps, who made a living putting together things that made scared and apologetic white officials think they were doing good.
I even taught in Upward Bound, a college summer school to lift kids up. Made my university feel good and some of the faculty.
Some of the kids were clearly going to go on to college anyway, but liked the program. Summer on campus and programs during the year. With affirmative action admissions, a good chance for a scholarship and college admission.
All of it is feel good nonsense, read about this latest version of create a slush fund and pretend like you’re doing good. The war on poverty programs didn’t work, My Brother’s Keeper will be another social worker boondoggle.
The focus is to reduce incarceration and improve graduation rates, so they hope to reduce the high rate of crime and these newly minted high school grads who stayed out of trouble will go on to successful and productive adulthood.

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