Consider the pajama party group and their use of the epithet DENIER.
Let’s assume I am a 43 year physician, and a 34 year lawyer and I have considered and evaluated the crap, THE CRAP, that the warming “scientists” have pushed on us to support their advocacy of apocalyptic anthropogenic global warming (AAGW).
Let’s assume that I have a nose for the stink of cargo cult science that is funded by corrupt government agencies and results in the claims on warming.
You bet your pathetic ass, warmers, that I deny and oppose your position on AAGW. I DENY YOUR ASSERTIONS.
Proud of my denial–it follows in the tradition of great scientists and great political leaders who pushed back on JACKASSES.
Warmists deny that natural variability exceeds late 20th Century warming – 1930’s, Medieval, Roman and Minoan warm periods were all warmer than today. It was to suppress natural variability and bolster the logical fallacies of the attribution analysis that they corrupted the paleo and instrumental temperature records.
Warmists deny the obvious and dispositive implications of the definitively absent upper tropospheric tropical hot spot for their claimed physical understanding of climate.
Warmists deny the comprehensive repudiation of their models by a vast panoply of empirical data.
Thus, warmists deny that all three lines of evidence on which they rely are all decisively refuted by empirical evidence.
maybe we could add a new terminology to shut them extremists down when they keep repeating the same crap. DEJA POO ! = heard that crap before.
Aristotle- consensus is the enemy of knowledge. Syllogism – Democrats are the enemy of intelligence.