Koch Brothers are Demons?

In the recent past we have shown the depth of financial resources on the left for enviros.

And when the MSM and the gov are in the bag, when gov money on climate alone is 20 billion plus, the harrangue about the Kochs is nuts.
But, the left and the MSM would pretend that the Koch’s spend all their money on evil projects and promoting evil conservative causes.
Not so, as you might find reviewing these two reports on the philanthropy of the Kansas boys.
I wish the Koch’s were a little more political in their choice–and contributed to me as one of their supporters–no such luck.

2 thoughts on “Koch Brothers are Demons?”

  1. I would love to be a fly on the Wall when Bill Gates and the Koch brothers sit down together and discuss various philanthropic efforts that each of them with such ease as to embarrass the great western governments and all the major NGOs. They probably snicker among themselves regarding the demonic characterizations that they are painted in the media.

  2. It’s quite remarkable how secular liberals seem to need to deify their heros and demonize their opponents. I guess even the agnostics need religious fervor.

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