Kids think they know something–not

This is like those little jerks, full of themselves, who write to presidents advising on policy.

Their mommas have failed them. My my,such smart and properly schooled worthless brats.

2 thoughts on “Kids think they know something–not”

  1. I know older, more mature individuals tend to think of anyone at least ten years younger as “kids” (especially the more mentally challenged ones), but the use of the term in this context is misleading. We’re talking about people old enough to pay taxes, vote, own a rifle, and join the military. It would be much more appropriate to use the term “college students”. As is, the headline implies elementary school age. I suspect a lot of angry click-throughs were generated by that misunderstanding.
    I do love this quote though, “Organizers held civil disobedience training on Saturday to ensure that the demonstration went peacefully.” Our president’s favorite career, ladies and gentlemen. Maybe it’s the cold-war era cartoons I grew up on, but the word “Organizer” has always sounded sinister to me.
    The biggest take-away for me though, is that a candidate for US Senate is getting free publicity by publicly rabble-rousing. I’m a bit torn on this article. I agree that it’s relevant to the question of what’s being taught in college (particularly considering how few college students actually pay for college on their own), but a large part of me just doesn’t want to reward this sort of behavior by giving it any attention. They’re acting like spoiled brats yelling for attention while the grown-folk are trying to have a conversation.
    I guess calling them kids is appropriate after all.

  2. If I was the DC police, I would have left them cuffed to the fence in the cold and wet and ignored them. Why take them to the nice, warm jail? Why not let them experience “climate change”?

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