Junk Banking-Economics for Social Justice

Much of policy making is what is based on “lying for justice.”

Lying for justice works in a cultural or intellectual environment where a little cheating on the evidence is Ok if you are inoculated with good socialist intentions.
Bad banking and economics is also poisoned by the lying for social justice mindset.
Milloy knows all about these things, since he has a LLM in securities. I can hardly balance a check book and no longer even try to do my taxes. However I do study economics and banking as vital to understanding what makes the world go round, I have friends like Milloy who teach me stuff.
No one will forget the economic and business catastrophe set off by the mortgage paper mess of 2007 that led to the crash of 2008. Insane. I knew it was coming since I read Wallison’s warnings in the WSJ long before. Fannie and Freddie were complicit or even critical actors in the creation of the subprime loan mess. All driven by leftist politics.
The banks played along because of the moral hazard–they knew the gov would use taxpayer money to save the day. To hell with the taxpayers.
Social Justice is the banner for socialism–sounds good, wears well.
In the case of bad banking and economics practices its just like lying about climate or environmental science–ok to cheat on the evidence, good intentions provide a blanket immunity, ends justify the means.
This essay is an excellent and very scholarly review of the Banking problems that started with the Political Pressure by outfits like ACORN, corrupted the mortgage business, created toxic securities, and eventually resulted in a big tax payer bailout of lending entities “too big to fail” and cover for the two entities that were deep into the creation of all the bad paper, two hybrid lenders, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Read it and weep, we still have these bad mortgages hanging around the neck of the economy. Can’t wash these loans out of our hair, as the song says.

5 thoughts on “Junk Banking-Economics for Social Justice”

  1. I’m with Ben on this one. Unfortunately the screen name “bongstar 420” starts him off on shaky ground here, but we’ve already had the “pothead” debate a few times. That being said, the phrase “Lying does not in any way support the attainment of social justice.” is true. I think the real point here is that there is a large difference between individuals who desire real social justice in the world and politicians who want to use the banner of social justice to further their own private goals.
    It is also true that most people don’t want “social justice” whatever that means. They want whatever private form of justice they’ve built in their own minds, and for many people, that means vengeance of some sort. True justice can only be had on an individual level because injustice can only be perpetrated on an individual level. The concept cannot be applied to imaginary groups whether they be corporations or subcultures. You cannot give to one person to make up for something taken from someone else.
    Perhaps it is more accurate to say that the individuals and agencies in question are not lying FOR social justice so much as their claims of social justice ARE the lie.
    It’s also fair to say that many banks didn’t play along; rather they were forced by law. In the end, only a select few banks were deemed “too big to fail”. Smaller banks with insufficient funds to buy the right friends were allowed to fail and were bought out by the giants with the money our government stole from taxpayers to give to them in the bailout.
    To say that the people behind this “lied for social justice” unintentionally implies that social justice was their goal and the massive windfall they got was a coincidence.
    Here in reality, justice only comes from within. It cannot be coerced by an outside agency. Bigots cannot be made to change their views, but they can be convinced if you learn to debate and present evidence the right way.

  2. Well, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. Saying “I am for social justice, but that’s not social justice” is a valid statement. Goodness knows that I am constantly saying “But the Tea Party doesn’t want that” to whatever nonsense (typically racist) that people are dreaming up we support today.

  3. bongstar you deserve a more serious put down.
    the banking and economics disaster that was promulgated by the left, your people, jackass, was the reason for the subprime and toxic asset debacle.
    if you don’t understand that, you’re on the wrong side of history on this one, you need a brain transplant.
    I can’t help you. You pathetic creep.
    Our banking and mortgage system was destroyed by you numbskulls who thought that subprime loans for people who couldn’t afford to go to McDonalds, was a good idea for “goddamned social justice” and now you put up your silly arguments about this or that.
    You should be put in a box with a viper and told to talk the viper out of biting your silly ass. Maybe you could, since there probably is some viper fraternity.

  4. Give me a break. the meme social justice is used to promote and advance socialist agendas–if you think other wise, you are misled.

  5. None of the actions specified actually benefits social justice. Your claim against socialism per se is moot.
    Lying does not in any way support the attainment of social justice. In fact, lying is against social justice no matter what ideology it comes from.
    The article linked to is right wing propaganda. It’s informative content is no better than left wing propaganda. It propagates multiple ideas that are antithetical to social justice.
    IMO, social justice is not possible since most people do not want it per se. They only care about their “justice” and those under their banner.

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