Journalists Anxious

Writers at the Fresno Bee Rag are concerned about fracking?

They worry that there haven’t been enough studies on the public health effects of fracking. Someone must act to save the children.
Don’t you join them in their concern, since we have no public health or enviro studies to assure us of the safety of Fracking ?
Oil drillers trying to take advantage of a lack of enviro antagonism? CA is sitting on a couple of big shale formations, they might be able to afford their ridiculous bloated government if they started fracking. But the Journalists at the Bee think that Fracking, which goes on at thousands of feet and has been proven safe needs more study.
I guarantee that UC and the CA EPA will figure out a way to stop fracking–the land of the fruits and nuts can’t even get water to the fruits and nuts–they’ll screw up the potential gas play for sure. La La land indeed.

6 thoughts on “Journalists Anxious”

  1. When something appears in a newspaper it means the “journalists” want it there.
    I have friends who can’t get anything published at the Sac Bee or the Fresno Bee. These news outlets just make it easy for the lazy journalists–but its a custom–ever wonder why Reuters and AP exist? to make canned news stories to fill column inches.

  2. Actually, the item was not written by reporters at the Fresno Bee. It was written for, an obviously agenda-driven site that somehow has managed to become an environmental “news” agency for the mainstream press.

  3. The sad fact may be that in order to save California , we must first destroy it, as the saying goes. Giving the government a source of money will only continue the tyranny. Jerry and the acolytes will not change, it is their nature, Just like the scorpion.” I night be wrong, but I doubt it” Charles Barkley.

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