Isn't cold enough to Shut these Idiots up

I am cold. In the past I actually was able to water ski in February, now I go out with cold weather gear to feed the horses.

This is nuts, and these people claim it’s just another sign of warming.
Maybe I can help them–cold is cold, warm is warm.

Brutal Winter, and Painful Rises in Heat Costs – Up to 54‰ increase

14 thoughts on “Isn't cold enough to Shut these Idiots up”

  1. Why is it that people who saw GLOBAL warming is not determined by the cold in the US then commit the very fallacy they criticized and start naming warm LOCAL climates? Do you not understand that you are doing exactly the same thing you said was wrong?
    Plus, there are all those pictures of wild fires, etc. used by AGW proponents. Let’s be honest–it’s local if it’s cold, global if it’s warm.

  2. MIT called climate “the statistics of weather” in the class I’m taking over the net. It’s what they state is the “technical usage” of the term climate. Looked at through the eyes of AGW, that is a very honest definition. It also has little meaning in the real world.

  3. Global climate is nothing but the aggregate of local weather. Climate itself is not a real quality, it is just the average of known historic real-world conditions. To say that local weather doesn’t matter shows a distinct lack of understanding about the topic under discussion.
    Furthermore, the specific criticism levelled here is in response to politicians claims that the recent cold winter (which wasn’t all that unusual) was a direct result of global warming, so if it doesn’t count, then they shouldn’t have tried to tie it in to their narrative.
    To bring the topic back to the global temperature construct rather than local weather, the fact that it was warm in some places and cold in others averages out to a non-event on a global scale. Thus the argument that there has been no significant global climate change this century.
    By the way, Germany’s longest “all-time” record only went back to the 1890s. If you’re going to discount the temperatures of more than half a continent as “local weather”, then the specific temperature of one site on one day (assuming no measurement errors over the last 100 years) shouldn’t really seem all that alarming.
    Lastly, by all reports I’ve found, the people of Germany had a great time thanks to the unseasonably warm weather. It must have been of particular relief to all the people that can’t afford to heat their homes properly thanks to Germany’s failing energy policies.

  4. I am aware that weather is not climate. I am also aware of the places where it is warm. And I am aware that the temp records have been tampered with. And I am aware of the reliable records sans the tampering that shows no increase in global temp for 15 plus years. And i am aware that snow cover for the US was near record in Feb. And I am aware that the ice cover for the poles has rebounded.
    I was just making a little anecdotal joke since every time there is a high temp record some climate nut points to it. Every drought, every heat wave, every flood.
    If there was a way to make people stop telling stories, and stick to evidence in the reliable records–but anecdotes are what people live by and use as a place to start an argument.
    Of course when it went from warming to change, the tautological nature of the arguments increased by a order of magnitude. .

  5. There actually is some valid science on warming causing cold. But it requires a massive amount of warmth to melt (all at once) the entire northern ice caps and the massive amount of water then pushing the Gulf Stream away from the northeast coast of the US.
    This would not be global cooling – but would affect one part of our country.
    Obviously, this has not happened so the AGW claims that global warming has caused our cold weather is just “junk science”.

  6. Perhaps when you are making a statement about GLOBAL warming, you shouldn’t be talking about local weather. As unusually cold as it was in the central US, it was MORE unusually warm in the West and in Alaska and, especially, the Arctic. and as long as we are talking about local weather, Germany has been setting all-time warm records for March.

  7. Ignoring all other problems with this premise, wouldn’t warming leading to cooling also be known as Negative Feedback?

  8. You have to understand. Warming causes warming it also causes cooling. In other words there is nothing warming can’t do. I’m wondering that since warming causes cooling, shouldn’t we then create more warming to cause more cooling? Hmmm……

  9. For this polar vortex incursion to be evidence of global warming shouldn’t it be – like – unprecedented? Or at least warmer or shorter than prior polar vortexes/vortices? None of the above. But they apparently need the incursions to change to colder and longer so we will know the climate stopped changing. Or something.

  10. Maybe you should get a dry suit for skiing. My son in Michigan says they work well when he drives out onto the water, cuts a hole in it and goes for a long swim through the hole.

  11. When fraudulent science can capture the attention of the western world it shows the sorry state of public education.

  12. When alarmist say warming causes cold weather it shows the sorry state science is in.

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