IPCC can't be trusted.

A fine discussion on the IPCC report anticipated.
by Joe Bast, warrior.

What can I say–these people have been lying for 20 years, am I supposed to think they are cured of their mendacity?

2 thoughts on “IPCC can't be trusted.”

  1. I kind of get the feeling this an “all-in” moment with the IPCC. Another year or 2 of flat temps or, heaven forbid, a drop in temps and the gig is well and truly up. So there is this all out push to get “action before it’s too late” flavor with just a hint of desperation.

  2. I feel that I can absolutely trust the IPCC.
    I can trust them to:
    Fudge data
    Falsify data
    Falsify results
    Create models that themselves create fantasy
    Hide data
    Engage in ad hominem attack
    Fear monger
    Demand more money and power
    Demand the heads of the “Deniers”
    Watch Monty Python’s Spanish Inquisition sketch and get ideas…

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