Humans and Dissonance

I love music, I hate bad music, it hurts.

Sounds pretty simple–doesn’t it.
But it is very revealing of me and things like me–human things.
There are tonal intervals that create tension, anxiety, even discomfort, and composers know them. I can sometimes listen to music I have never heard and anticipate where it is going, because there are progressions that people like and composers know that.
This essay takes the concept of dissonance to the cultural and considers a few important things–we are a social creature, which has very important effects on what is important to us. We are herd animals a little and hunter animals a little and we are self-aware.
When people do things that cause dissonance in the culture, there is a price to pay. Remember the energizing factors for socialism/Marxism envy, anger, resentment, conceit, mendacity, all covered by nonsense talk about good intentions–a cloak of manipulative ambition and striving for control and dominance. A sort of savage need to conquer and destroy.
That’s what I see. Marxist socialists would assert that they are for the little guy, but they are mostly against, they are destroyers. When they say social justice, they use it as their tool to create dissonance.
That’s why they want things to go bad–it makes them happy.
Kind of like people who listen to terrible music and find it enjoyable. Requires effort and a mind-set. Natural inclinations are for resonance and harmony.
I do believe. I can still tell you why thirds and more are pleasant to listen to and why lesser intervals make the listener uneasy, why a 7th creates a tension for a chord that is a resolution. George Jones to Miles Davis, Mozart to Elton John know these things. In politics, social life, discourse, tension and dissonance–trouble.

4 thoughts on “Humans and Dissonance”

  1. I hate all music that is played in stores. It is being played too loud, and played through really lousy speakers. I thought that the ultimate reason for going to stores was to shop. I have been told that the customers get upset when they don’t have music blaring at them. I tend to do a lot of shopping on-line anymore. I know this is somewhat off-topic, but it set off my biggest complaint about going to stores lately.

  2. John cage is a laughingstock – a complete talentless joke who produces the worst kind of noise. But, I expect that he does it to “educate” the peasants, and that the self-appointed “elite” think that they “love” it.
    Thanks for posting the link to the very good article.

  3. Great article thanks. Anyone who doesn’t believe this should amazon some John Cage samples. Have a barf bag handy.

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