Food Fetishist Alert

I know how to get a certain group going–talk about eating healthy.

And I have enjoyed immensely the info provided by people deep into the lipid/cholesterol issues. They confirm some of my nihilism.
Genetics overwhelms many other factors in terms of risk.
Sure there are risks to consider in lifestyle, but after exercise and weight, the risks get to be relatively small on daily lifestyle things.
Is the Mediterranean diet really that beneficial?
My attitude is not very obsessive compulsive, since I think nutritionists mostly help people who need special diets. After that those of us in the herd who eat a balanced diet with the right number of calories to correspond to our size and activity will do pretty well.
Here’s an example that I think should be pinned up at every health food outlet. The most important thing this guy did was get his weight down. He will be rewarded with less arthritis and a better cardiovascular and pulmonary status. He did it with what some people say is junk food. Lot of good food delivered by Mickey D’s and the other so called junk food chains. The Nutrition status of Americans is mostly just too much eatin’ too little exercizin’.

6 thoughts on “Food Fetishist Alert”

  1. How’s this for good science:
    Slow-boiling your whole store-bought chickens for ~3hrs will give you a good start on the broth for your chicken & dumplings. Also, once you’ve added all of your other ingredients (and the shredded meat) back into the pot, cook your dumplings IN the resulting stew — about another 30-45min or so at just below boiling.* Can’t imagine why people don’t do this, but some people bake them separate. *shrug*
    Actually, this is all nothing more than anecdotal until I can find a peer-reviewed study to cite, isn’t it? Hmmm….
    *We never make less than three whole chickens-worth — about 3+ gallons altogether once everything’s done cooking/evaporating/soaking up moisture, etc. That usually feeds about a dozen** the first night, while the leftovers are polished off by 2-4 over the next day or two, tops.
    ** For some reason, we also never seem to get less than a dozen at the table when we make the stuff, can’t figure out how that happens. Gotta have something to study
    next year, I guess.

  2. How about before you say that we’re promoting this or that, you read what we say. We are antagonist to and ridicule weight loss and fad diets and generally only consider “nutritionists” important for people who need special diets for a medical condition. Any mention of fad diets is in the context of introducing a subject. I recommended Taubes as good on epidemiology, and really don’t know much or care much about his dietary “beliefs” that get people going.

    Other than the Taubes applause, which was about epidemiological junk science that he exposed when no one wlse in the mainstream media was doing anything, you will see plenty of the skepticism you are hoping for about diets and food fetishists.
    Good grief, read the entries and the comments on this site before you tell us what we do. Fad diets are not promoted, they are put down here at Junk and we are nihilists when it comes to dietary fads and nutritional supplements and quirky claims about foods of various kinds. We also are not too friendly to alternative medicine and what is called complementary mediciine. My position and that means the position of the main blogger–complementary medicine, if it works, is called mainstream medicine. alternative medicine is cultish nonsense, acupuncture may work for some people with pain, but doesn’t treat medical conditions and is based on a nonsense theory about magical energies–same with chiropractic.

  3. How about sticking to good science rather than promoting weight loss diets and obesity myths. Isn’t that what this site is supposed to be all about?

  4. The nutritionist complained that his McDonald’s diet was no good. She sniffed: “Much of Cisna’s results have to do with cutting his calorie intake, so it’s not surprising that he lost weight and lowered his cholesterol,”
    So why do we need all the government paid nutritionists? Cut your calories and you lose weight–even if you eat “junk food”. At least you’ll enjoy yourself while losing the weight – unlike the poor schoolchildren being force to (gag!) eat Michelle Obama required meals.

  5. Basically, any of the diets will work if calories in<calorie out and the dieter can stay on the diet.
    If you want to see real food fetish and paranoia, look at the diet sites.

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