False Alarm on Heroin? Big surprise.

I know, don’t normally trust the lefty blog Huff Post, but it popped up as a news item.

The numbers and rate of use of heroin show no epidemic of use.
Whatever happened with regards to a cluster of ODs, probably is just that, a cluster and probably due to higher potency–maybe global warming or global cooling.
I can’t help but wonder how Eric Holder really thinks about his announcement–is he really worried about making sure Narcan is available because of a sudden surge of sympathy for dopers? Naaa, it was a slow day politically or something.
As for the social studies experts, population studies are always searching for an association, right? Holiday season blues? Poinsettia supplies low? Mistle toe overgrowth on the trees? No Andy Williams Christmas Special? Ran out of Elvis’ Christmas CDs?

3 thoughts on “False Alarm on Heroin? Big surprise.”

  1. Crazy thing is, is that dope is freaking everywhere. I can’t believe how many people use it, let alone how many people sell it. Hell sometimes in the right areas of town all you gotta do is holler “Where the good dope at?”

  2. I haven’t thought about Narcan for quite a few years. Working onsite EMS at some of the “Druggie” concerts we would always bring extra Narcan.

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