Enviros reveal the plan–DEGROWTH

I can’t make this up. Hayek said it best–the fatal conceit.
These pinheads say that degrowth will be appropriate to save Gaia as long as there is job market stability.
They have their priorities straight, these greenies. Sounds like hope and change to me.

6 thoughts on “Enviros reveal the plan–DEGROWTH”

  1. “the happiness of individuals is directly related to the hours they work when measured up to 16 hours a week. In contrast, those working more than 16 hours a week are less happy the more hours they work.” We’re dealing with severe utopianism.

  2. This sounds like same garbage spewed by the administration and senatorial democrats about how the loss 2million jobs projected by the CBO by 2020 due to Obamacare is a good thing because then people can pursue their art and spend more time with their kids. These are adults saying this crap not a bunch naive college kids with thier folk guitar under the protest tree. Good Lord!!!!

  3. They only care about “work stability” because the rabble gets roused by unemployment. It’s a strategic rather than philosophical aspect of their plan.

  4. This idea is reasonable, if you agree with the environmentalist view that “humans are a cancer upon the Earth.” WIth that view, we’re better off dead than “polluting” the air with our carbon dioxide laden breath.

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