Enviro Sugar Daddy II–Government spends 20 billion a year

The US Gov spends 20 billion plus annually to push climate/warming nonsense
That’s climate–and then there’s EPA and other things related to enviro issues.

The Milloy provides this info. And it makes me mad. The negative effects of government corrupting science with money and power/prestige for lying warmers.

And I have to listen to the lefty chatterboxes talk about big oil and big this and big that. Big government dwarfs anything else. Always.
Here’s my story:
First–I have yet to get one nickel from those Koch Brothers. I haven’t even received a Christmas card or an “attaboy John.”
Second–All the think tanks and advocacy groups or individuals who are my allies in science or policy advocacy, fighting the climate people are like me–waiting for their big pay-day and gift bonanza from these big corporations.
Third–I know i will be waiting a long time for 2 because American Business and Industry is not courageous when it comes to fighting BIG GREEN AND THE BIG GREEN SUGAR DADDY–THE GOV.
Conservative organizations with many issues to deal with do not get big chunks of money, into the thousands of millions, for anything at all, much less dedicated funds for just climate or enviro activities to allow competition with BIG GREEN and its buddies in government.
We have a government committed to climate nonsense and that means many agencies, division and departments–from the Depart of the Interior to the Department of Defense.
How do you suppose all that money went out the door to solar companies that were bound to fail?
Third–Just to remind you, this is just the purely enviro lefty NGOs financial positions as of 2009. Top 10. There’s plenty of money in the lesser ones and they get in kind cooperation and direct financial support from other well-heeled lefty organizations.
Mark Hemingway, Washington Examiner, 29 November, 2010
1. Nature Conservancy—Total assets: $5,636,393,924
2. The Conservation Fund—Total assets: $451,178,482
3. World Wildlife Fund—Total assets: $426,048,663
4. Trust for Public Land—Total assets: $399,026,229
5. Conservation International Foundation—Total assets: $370,034,224
6. National Audubon Society—Total assets: $337,695,958
7. Natural Resources Defense Council—Total assets: $232,276,696
8. Environmental Defense Fund—Total assets: $145,765,426
9. Sierra Club Foundation—Total assets: $107,928,024
10. National Wildlife Federation—Total assets: $69,448,048

4 thoughts on “Enviro Sugar Daddy II–Government spends 20 billion a year”

  1. Actually, if you dig into both Putin’s and Obama’s backgrounds you will find that they are two sides of the same coin.
    I find it ironic that Obama’s anti-American slant was born from Soviet era disinformation put forth by none other than the KGB.

  2. No wonder that Putin ignores Obama. Obama continues to use the Chicago Way – political corruption and clear lies to create policy. Putin has made Obama and Clinton look like fools! Hillary may be in big trouble as Putin continues to rebuild the Berlin Wall and recreate the Cold War. Obama and Clinton will own the responsibility of a new Cold War. Obama and Clinton are now identified as political incompetents by the free world.

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