Enviro Fanatics are Misanthropes

Population control drives the left–humans are not important to them–utopian ideas are.

Daniel Greenfield writes eloquently about the malignancy that is leftist environmentalism.
And he shows why Rachel Carson’s anti DDT screed and the enviros pantheism are part of a mindset. Peter Singer, the Chaired Philosophy Prof at Princeton thinks humans have no more rights than animals. Babies should be considered to have no right to live until the age of about 30 days. He would allow parents to roll a child into the fire, as they did in pagan times.
These population control people should read Julian Simon and consider the evidence. The Earth/Planet has plenty of space and population growth has created functional societies and an improvement in quality of life. Ehrlich and the population controllers are misanthropes, mostly, and evil ideologues.
DDT ban served a purpose, eliminating a lot of 3rd world people.
Remember this when you read this essay, Soros, Gates, Buffett are all acolytes of the Paul Ehrlich Church of Eugenics. Most elites in modern society really don’t like people.
They consider humans expendable like all utopian statists.
Socialism is an authoritarian anti human ideology dressed up as benign concern for societal order and “fairness” but under the veneer is a deep and abiding love of ideas and hate of humankind. Death of many is, for socialists, a statistic.

13 thoughts on “Enviro Fanatics are Misanthropes”

  1. ————-
    “Liberal: a power worshiper without power. ” – George Orwell

  2. that has become glaringly obvious. Having said that, the movers and shakers are the pols who see all this as another fund raiser via new taxes and fees.

  3. Whenever a “sophisticated” liberal starts talking to me about Plato, I ask them what their stance is on India’s caste system. It’s amazing how many of them think it’s a non sequitur.

  4. For confirmation, read Plato’s Republic. The ideal pursued was the “good” and “beauty”. These ideals were the goal of the wise state running the lives of the demos; nothing about well-being, liberty or anything other than subjection to the rulers of the state.

  5. While they say humans are the problem, they really just hate all humans other than themselves.
    As utopianists they believe their man made ‘Eden’ is only for the elites.
    I recently watched the movie, “Elysium”, and remember how the Hollywood elites patted themselfs on their back at the underlining socio-economic currents in the movie. The irony, is that these same Hollywood elites would be the ones on the space station while the rest of us would be relegated to slumming it on Earth.

  6. “excluding themselves, of course”
    I suggest that they include themselves but take it as their sacred duty to stay around until the rest of us are “taken care of”. Since they can’t take care of themselves, they will go shortly thereafter. However, it is a “sacrifice” they are willing to make just to make sure we evil humans no longer exist. What they refuse to allow themselves to be aware of is that THEY are the evil humans. Hence, they should be the first to go by their own action. If they did, the rest of us would get along just fine as we remake the world in OUR image.
    Yes, I am a humanist. I actually think my life is far more important to me, my loved ones, and the general economy than millions rats or mice or even trillions of cockroaches. “The Environment” means an environment fit for human habitation and one that excludes all things mitigating against humans living and thriving.

  7. Great article!.
    I have to disagree with one statement: these people do not “love ideas”. If your idea is different than theirs, they will do everything in their power to demonize you and prevent your idea from ever being heard.
    They do hate humans; what they love is power over others. What greater power can they achieve than to decide who lives and who dies?

  8. It cannot be repeated too many times that Rachel Carson through her horrendous book is among the forempost responsible for tens of millions of people dying from malaria as a result of the DDT ban. You may pick just any of the enviros, they all hate mankind and their goal is to eradicate us all (excluding themselves, of course) through all kinds of apparently democratically genreated regulations and laws that eventually will make it impossible to live a decent life any more!

  9. Quite true. Lewis’ best work in my opinion. I rarely see it quoted despite its obvious relevancy.

  10. As CS Lewis’ Screwtape said, men will abandon all moral underpinnings if they perceive an approaching apocalypse that can be avoided by doing so, or envision a utopian society that simply requires a “temporary” sacrifice of such morals in the present.

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