Cooling not Warming Predicted

I introduced a Mexican meteorologist at a Heartland Climate meeting 2 years ago–he was predicting cooling.
Others say the same thing.

The rational is that sun spot activity increases electromagnetic emanations from the sun to interfere with cosmic rays from the universe that cause ionization of water vapor and encourage cloud formation. More sun spots, less clouds.
Maunder Minimum of sun spots caused Little Ice Age that occurred from the 16th to the 19th centuries.
Clouds have an albedo effect that exceeds the green house effect so the net effect of clouds is cooling.
That’s the way I learned it from the big boys of climate/meteorology.

5 thoughts on “Cooling not Warming Predicted”

  1. 30 years or more of cooling and bad weather and everyone will be crying out for global warming.

  2. logoswrench, you hit the button–mass movements, true believers.
    Eric Hoffer and George Orwell, but also Aldous Huxley had it right.
    Huxley framed it as a soft tyranny and totalitarianism.

  3. Can you picture it? Like 1984. Al Gore is in the middle of a vitriolic speech about warming deniers. He’s handed a note that says the earth is cooling. He screams “The Earth is cooling it’s always been cooling” his idiot acolytes follow in lock step and they immediately start on a crusade to warm the earth. They accuse all the climate skeptics of having been secret warming spies of having always denied the earth was cooling. They now want a non carbon tax. Bunch of jackasses.

  4. Something I noticed the last year or three: clouds, especially cumulus clouds, seem like they have been much brighter of late. I think that plays a role in all of this….

  5. Cooling is my biggest fear, climatically speaking, and that looks to me to be in our future much more than beneficial warming.
    I’m glad I only have 20 or 30 more years to put up with it.

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