Climate Change Altering Ocean Circulation and Currents? Sure

These people are predictable–now a dangerous alteration of ocean circulation is supposedly caused by warming, or climate change, whatever that is?

Wonder how much this guy plans to get in grants for his ground breaking alarming announcement.

2 thoughts on “Climate Change Altering Ocean Circulation and Currents? Sure”

  1. A look at the history of the Cenozoic will lead you to the conclusion that it is changing ocean currents, caused by plate tectonic movement, which have had the major effect on World climate. For example, the opening of the Antarctic Strait, as South America moved North from Antarctica, has been postulated to have allowed the establishment of the Circumpolar Current, which sweeps warm Pacific water away from Antarctica. Formerly, this warm water kept Antarctica temperate, which is why we find plant-eating dinosaurs there. A temperate Antarctica is anathema to the Climatists, so don’t expect to read about this in Scientific American. The Greenland icecap, in a similar scenario, appears to have resulted in the rise of the Isthmus of Panama, which cut off the warm Pacific Current from the North Atlantic, leaving only the Gulf Stream to keep Northern Europe from becoming an icebox.

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