Censorship by the Warmist Tyrants

Holman Jenkins opines on the retaliation project of the losing warmers.

I am hoping they will come and see me.
As for censorship and vilification of people like Will and Krauthammer for pointing out the obvious–that the warming crusade is on life support, the only reason it makes any impression is it is in DC, and they both write for the WAPO, the local lib rag.
How about a tantrum like Algore does, so he shakes all over like a bowl full of jelly.
Recently Valerie Jarrett,the most unqualified shadow president of all times, declared that the pres would use his executive power on a recent interview with O’Reilly. I believe her, she is such a dummy. But no one can match a lefty for arrogance and self-esteem.

4 thoughts on “Censorship by the Warmist Tyrants”

  1. Hmmm. It appears that my comment with the typo disappeared. I’ll try again:
    The article written by Holman Jenkins Jr. and the accompanying video are excellent. I encourage everyone who follows this blog to read the article and view the video. It appears that we may have turned the corner and the climate alarmists are losing.

  2. The article written by Holman Jenkins Jr. and the accompanying video are excellent. I encourage everyone who follows this blog to read the article and view the video. It appears that our team has turned the corner and is winning the battle. (How’s that for a mixed metaphor of sorts? )

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