Cell Phones cause cancer? Why sure they do.

And that’s why cancer has been on a decline and not an increase.

Think of how small this brain is if he says that cell phones cause cancer and he has nothing, nothing to establish such nonsense.
Thanks to ACSH, that also provided good commentary.
This reminds me of the nothing burger put out by the US and CA EPA research on small particles and ozone.
The US and CA EPA claim deaths from small particles and asthma attacks from ozone.
So Steve Milloy a bio statistician educated at Johns Hopkins, does two thorough and competent studies and finds no correlations at all like the ones claimed by the EPA researchers.
Milloy found NO CORRELATION between small particles (sometimes called fine particles) and deaths in a multi-year study across the whole state of California,
Milloy study on small particles in CA
Milloy also found no ozone effect on asthma and respiratory illness admissions in a multi year study of a major southern CA Hospital system.
Milloy Ozone study in CA
However with scared people, any panic is a worthy attraction. So cell phones are carcinogens. For people who’s tattoo count exceeds their IQ–why not.

9 thoughts on “Cell Phones cause cancer? Why sure they do.”

  1. You were fine until you said eat it, gus–what makes you think there are any real carcinogens in a cell phone.
    It might hurt you if some shards injured you, but cancer–nope.
    It would be through you before 2 days or so, and not digested or absorbed. If it got stuck it might injure you.
    Trust me, I’m an emergency physician and i practice tox after any stay at a Holiday Inn Express.

  2. The point is not that cancer from mobile phones is unlikely, or has been disproven. It’s that, quite simply, the thing is impossible. No damage to cell DNA, no cancer. The RF from mobile phones is of too low a frequency (i.e., the photons of which it is composed have too low an energy) to cause that kind of damage, by a factor of about half a million.
    Everyone who has a Physics degree should know this without being told.
    The British government once funded a research project to investigate the “link” between mobile phones and cancer. The antics of the researchers, the way-out theories they came up with, was a caution. Because they knew, as I said, THE THING IS IMPOSSIBLE! And yet here was this juicy government grant…
    The only way that a mobile phone is going to give you cancer is if you eat it.

  3. It would be accurate to say that all forms of ionizing radiation such as Alpha, Beta,Gamma, X and the few others,have a composition of particle, electromagnetic, and electrostatic waves of specific wavelength, frequency, and usually high energy levels. The primary difference between radio spectrum radiation and ionizing radiation is that ionizing radiation can knock electrons, protons, neutrons, and even the nucleus from atoms, causing chemical and biological damage that can often lead to cancer. Radio spectrum waves do not – at least that was the conclusion of the multi-year, multi-site study.
    Anyway, I was trying to make the distinction using lay terms that most would understand intuitively but you indeed caught the technical point I glossed over. I’ll wager you’re an X-ray technician (or RF Engineer) 😉

  4. A point of clarification; X-rays (and gamma rays) are also a part of the electromagnetic spectrum just as much as visible light, IR, UV and radio waves.

  5. One of the great junk science exposes of all time was on high voltage lines and the killer finding was that they didn’t produce anything above the ambient.
    So how could they possibly be significant or dangerous.
    Don’t ask me to go find the reference–too lazy

  6. The company I worked for commissioned a study on the effects of cellular telephone RF radiation on human tissue back in the late 80’s early 90’s. This was back when cellular telephones put out a heck of a lot more power than they do today. The results… no effect on human tissue.
    Lets put it into perspective. The RF radiation from a cellular telephone is electromagnetic (not particle like x-rays). A single magnetic resonance image (MRI) will douse you with more RF radiation than your modern cell phone can emit in 20 to 30 years. That, and there tones of naturally occurring sources RF radiation like lightning. You’re bombarded with it constantly. Don’t loose sleep over it.

  7. This and other beliefs infecting the civilised society are mainly rooted in lexicology. I can’t boast of a rigorous research methodology, but from numerous conversations with friends and acquaintances of the Rabbit, it appears that all that’s needed for forming a strong conviction is association between words. It goes like this:
    radiation – harmful
    mobile phones – radiate
    mobile phones – harmful
    I kid you not. That’s all it takes. When I dig deeper and inquire in which way they think radiation is harmful, the answer, almost without exception, is cancer. I get the same answer when I ask what radiation sickness is. On a couple occasions, such speeches about the dangers of mobile phones and power lines were accompanied by the speaker rubbing lotion into severe sunburns. Ouch.
    Radiation is always man-made, by the way. Just like “chemicals”.

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