Carbon Dioxide is Good? Warming is good? UBET

How many US grade school teachers could and would be able to explain why carbon dioxide is good, not bad, for the planet Earth?

How many of those teachers would be able to explain that if any warming of the average temperature of the earth occurred, it would mitigate the magnitude and frequency of extreme weather events by reducing the contrasting temperatures in the ascending latitudes, and warming would have salutary effects on the health and comfort of the human race, reducing famine, starvation and cold injuries and disease that are a major concern for human well-being on the planet?

One thought on “Carbon Dioxide is Good? Warming is good? UBET”

  1. Having a passing familiarity with the profession, I’d say ability is the least of my concerns about “educators.” It’s the fact that they see themselves as indoctrinators on a mission that automatically allows them to go after all who differ as indoctrinators.

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