Apology to Dr. Josh Bloom

Josh Bloom commented that he did not contribute to the ACSH posting on second hand smoke.

I got his note in a comment, but I owe Dr. Bloom an apology as a posting. My critique about the second hand smoke study discussion that I thought was bad and threw James Enstrom under the bus is attributable to Dr. Gil Ross.
If Josh Bloom is the physician on the search and not the astronomer, and I think that’s a safe bet, he is a man of extraordinary achievements, Dartmouth Academic All American linebacker, wrestler in addition to smart enough to be Alpha Omega Alpha in Medical School–the medical scholastic honor society.
Again, my apologies. I run through a lot of info every day, and it means two things, my self editing is imperfect and sometimes the entries and postings have mistakes. Dr. Bloom could probably surely pin this old guy who wrestled in high school, so I hope I get the mercy rule applied.
Bloom is quite the man–young, handsome, smart, a high flying physician achiever.

15 thoughts on “Apology to Dr. Josh Bloom”

  1. Given the above, I think we can safely attest to the accuracy of the following assertion: the posters above known respectively as “Josh” & “Billy,” regardless of their actual identities, are no doubt genuine brothers after all. Or, at least they play a convincing set on TV.*
    *(Possibly, they spent the night at the same Holiday Inn Express(TM), you just never can tell anymore on this internet thingy….

  2. i just looked up Josh Bloom and found this extraordinary guy in NC.
    That’s all. Had no idea that I was going into stealing chocolates and stuff.

  3. Ahah! So you ARE the wrestling physician, after all! What other extraordinary achievements are you hiding from us, you ex-Dartmouth linebacker, you? A superior sense of smell, perhaps? An ability to draft dreadful fantasy basketball teams? Where do your powers end…?

  4. While we’re on the topic of apologies to Dr. Bloom, I’d like to make one, as well. Last summer, I ate the last Entenmann’s chocolate covered donut in his refrigerator. Then I denied it. I was wrong–so very wrong. But it tasted really good.

  5. go ahead josh, you can be a west coast astronomer or a Dartmouth academic all american football player, wrestler AOA Tulane med grad.
    Besides you get the point. Jim Enstrom PhD, Physics, Stanford, particle physics under Nobel prize winner, then MPH UCLA and long time UCLA researcher in epi, puts up a study in 2005 that shows no effect from second hand smoke.
    he is on the ACSH BOARD–and ACSH makes stupid comments about second hand smoke that are nothing more than political correctness BS.
    Glad you weren’t involved. Gil blew it. I have spent more than 5 years defending Jim Enstrom, who is man of honor and honesty, and you should too.

  6. I can attest to the fact that Dr. Bloom is not, nor ever was, a wrestler. When we were kids, he punched me all the time, but he never–ever–wrestled me to the ground.

  7. Thanks. But I’m neither young, handsome, a wrestler. But my mother still loves me. Go to ACSH.org and look at the “about the staff” section. Should straighten this out rather quickly

  8. Still no idea who this person it–this posting, like the previous one, is either a not-so-good joke, or the writer is not tightly moored to reality. Dr. Josh Bloom is none of the above things, except handsome and smart. But he’ll thank you when he feels better, I’m sure. Gil Ross MD/ACSH

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