Apollo Group says–stand down Warming Hand Wringers

I got to meet the Apollo astronauts and their engineering and science backups at a Climate meet 2 years ago.
Wow, real heroes and geniuses.

The groups was taking on the warming panicmongering, and promised an intense effort to look at all the scientific claims and model preditions.
They say–nothing to be concerned about so how do we justify the billions wasted on warming projects and junked up research and regulations and how do we stop the EPA endangerment nonsense? In fact it is my considered opinion that warm would be good and we better reanalyze the whole project since it is built on a faulty premise–that warmer is bad. A warmer planet with more carbon dioxide would be a better/healthier/more fertile planet and a better home for us endotherms who operate at 99.6 central core temp and are uncomfortable if not properly clothed and shiver when exposed to temps in the high 50s, particularly with wind or wet added.
The average temperature of the planet is not a comfortable temp for humans, particularly older humans with more compromised circulation.

2 thoughts on “Apollo Group says–stand down Warming Hand Wringers”

  1. microman – WE humans do not make the earth warmer or colder – the SUN does.

  2. If Al Gore or Oprah said it’s so…..It must be true…What a joke, any one reading this won’t be around in next 50 years, so what is the differents, if hot or cold. It’s up to our children to fight the problem we created for them, there grandchildren will really be the ones living it daily.

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