Wanna understand Obamacare?

This extraordinary essay by a very smart guy outlines the whole deal.

As you might imagine, as a physician I pay attention to what the wonks have to say on health care reform and Obamacare.
It’s a chore to keep up.
Every day shows another development, but this essay is something to get you up to speed.
The writer is an academic but has a very tightly organized mind and efficient pen.
Telling the Obamacare saga could be as long as War and Peace, but he does it well and ticks off the items.

5 thoughts on “Wanna understand Obamacare?”

  1. Even so, the promises made and the objective results described in the article are rather hard to refute. Consider the “talking points” explaining away the CBO study showing major job losses…
    Talking point: having hours cut or jobs eliminated gives the former workers more “freedom”. This reminds me when my dear wife, after getting a job outside our home after we had some financial pressures, “This working business sure cuts into your free time!”

  2. I had the same reaction as Ron. I read “academic”, “tightly organized mind, efficient pen” and hit the link. I’m at a neoconservative site, and the criticisms of Obamacare are both non-scientific, and fairly obviously rhetorically skewed. The op-ed piece was written with an efficient pen to be sure. Perhaps even written with tweezers, for nit-picking. My time was wasted.

  3. True, but Ron has a good point. It’s a question of target audience. The site is more likely to convince people on the fence about the scientific inaccuracies in certain fields if we remain non-partisan. There are plenty sites dedicated to conservatism. Most of the recent content is little more than a link to them anyway. Perhaps there should be a sister site dedicated to editorials and link storms. If this site doesn’t stay on target i.e. debunking false scientific claims, it will be written off in the same way that Fox news has been. Anyone that’s interested in learning the truth will stop showing up for the same reasons I don’t go to Mother Jones for rational debate.

  4. Labeling the criticisms of Obamacare as “partisan rhetoric” does not refute the criticisms.

  5. What has this got to do with Junk Science? Has john1282 taken over this site with endless irrelevant right wing commentary? I can get Fox News on my TV. Junk Science and “Climatte Change” hysteria are important issues for everybody. Adding partisan rhetoric here adds nothing and probably takes away a lot of credibility from a just cause.

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