Recovery is Dependent on Junk Economics

Make your own assessment.
Economics is not that difficult, nor is bookkeeping.

For example:
More debt than assets–yo ass is in the hole. Paying off debt and reducing debt are the actions of responsible adults.
Borrowing money is called going into debt, not investment. .
The Phillips Curve that claims to show that increasing inflation causes increased jobs–is bad economics.
Government spending and manipulating the currency to produce inflation is usually about politicians trying to create the illusion of success and improvement in the economy. It is an empty promise.
Currency inflation is called, in the real world–debauching the currency. It is a violation of the oath of a member for the Congress to allow a debauching of the currency.
Priming the pump (increasing government spending even if it means borrowing) is delusional.
Private sector creation and effort increases the size of the economy. The Government does not create wealth, it confiscates it.
Here describes the current mess:
Wanna know more, read von Mises, Hayek, Hazlitt, Freidman, Sowell, Skousen.

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